And then DOWN went the mama! No puking thank GAWD, but I had a fever for 2.5 days and the body aches, OMG the body aches, I was curled up in bed with my comforter pulled high over my shoulders, it was pathetic.
It hit B too, but not as bad.
Worst of all, it hit poor little G. It hit him the absolute hardest :(. He had a fever from Saturday til yesterday mid-day. We took him in to the Dr because I was SURE at that point it had to be an ear infection or something, but no, poor little guy. So cranky, so clingy, little man just slept, screamed, nursed, slept. ONLY mama was allowed to hold him, feed him, or even look in his general direction, He was a HOT MESS.
The fever has broke for G, but the runny nose remains, and I'm pretty sure he's cutting two teeth, so he's not all sunshine and smiles, but we have happy little G back for the most part.
It was a HELLUVA week though. Hoping to get some more time to myself so I can get a couple of posts written that have been brewing in my head.
One is going to be discussing the idea of friendships as an adult, kind of inspired by this post because holy HELL can I relate..
Dude, that sounds rough.... Glad the fam is feeling better!